Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Asteroids Essays (497 words) - Doomsday Scenarios,

Asteroids Danger The universe is a shooting gallery and earth is the bullseye. The earth is always under threat of a doomesday asteroid that will wipe out civilization. There are over one thousand asteroids traveling toward earth and only three quarters are accounted for. Where are the other one forth? No one knows because the government doesn't fund NASA astrologists enough to cover the astroids. Just one impact could end civilization as we know it. No matter where it hits everything would die, even bacteria. To give an estimate how much is spent on asteroid detection. It is said to be less than the cost to operate a single McDonald's franchise. Total disaster would occur no matter where the asteroid hit. Land, sea it doesn't matter. Ocean impact would create a number of things. First, a Tsunami(tidal wave) would be created on impact. The wave would be hundreds for feet high traveling hundreds of miles per hour. It would start to slow down crashing ashore through all coastal city. Then, finally wash up hundreds for miles inland. " The mid-Atlantic Ocean impact ranging from 400 meters to 5 kilometers in diameter. This would generate a tsunami that would sweep across the upper East Coast of the United States to the Appalachian Mountains."(Gottschalk 1) The blast of the impact would equal a 300 gigaton blast of T.N.T. Also, 2.4 seconds after impact, a small fireball with a temperature of 5000'C would sweep across long island. A land fall strike would cause total divistation. The asteroid would create a earth trembling impact causing earth quakes around the world. The binding flash will show impact and the crater would be twenty miles across. Then, a blanket of dust and debris would blanket the earth and block the sun's light. This would occur for hundreds of years and the climate would be disrupted. Global killer no matter where it hits. The end of the world is only 28 years, 10 months, 19 days, 1 hour, 45 minutes, and 39 seconds away. An asteroid named XF11 is on route to hit earth directly. October is the month and 2038 is the year. Discovered by Jim Scotti on December 6, 1997 while looking at star with the Arizona Spacewatch Group. The asteroid "is predicted to pass at a rather comfortable distance of about 600,000 miles (about 960,000 kilometers) in 2028," "reported Dr. Donald K. Yeomans and Dr. Paul W. Chodas." ( 1) Tim Scotti disagrees saying is a matter of cover-up for national security. Spectulations go both ways, some say it's gonna hit others disagree. The last lines of defense are either blowing it up or using nuclear power. The solutions are to either destroy the asteroid or bounce it into another orbit. Nuclear weapons being the first and only line of defense. Even though nuclear weapons are forbiden in space by the Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963 and the Outer Space Treaty of 1967. Exeptions hopefully will be made. The bomb that will be used is called the Neutron Bomb. It would create "standoff bursts" that would change the velocity and the orbit of the asteroid.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Say Weekend in French

How to Say Weekend in French The expression weekend is definitely an English word. We borrowed it in French, and use it a lot in France. Le Week-end, Le Weekend, La Fin de Semaine In France, two spellings are acceptable: â€Å"le week-end† or â€Å"le weekend†. A lot of books will tell you the French word for it is â€Å"la fin de semaine†. I’ve never heard it used around me, nor have I used it myself. It may be the French official word for â€Å"weekend†, but in France, it’s not very used at all. - Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire ce weekend? What are you going to do this weekend?-  Ce weekend, je vais chez des amis en Bretagne. This weekend, I’m visiting some friends in Brittany. What Days Are the Weekend in France? In France, the weekend usually refers to Saturday (samedi) and Sunday (dimanche) being off. But it’s not always the case. For example, high school students often have classes on Saturday morning. So, their weekend is shorter: Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Many shops and businesses (such as banks) are open on Saturday, closed on Sunday, and they often are closed on Monday to keep a two-day weekend. This is not so much the case in bigger cities or with shops with employees that can take turn, but it’s very common in smaller towns and villages.   Traditionally almost everything was closed on Sunday. This French law was to protect the French lifestyle and the traditional Sunday lunch with family. But things are changing, and more and more businesses are open on Sundays nowadays.   Les Dparts en Weekend On Friday after work, French people migrate. They take their car, and leave the city to go to... a friends house, a romantic getaway, but quite often also their countryside house: la maison de campagne, which maybe in the countryside, by sea, or in the mountain, but the expression refers to a weekend / vacation house outside of the city. They come back on Sunday, usually late afternoon. So, you can expect big(ger) traffic jams on these days and times. Ouvert tous les jours = Open every day... or not! Be very careful when you see that sign†¦ For the French, it means open every day†¦ of the working week! And the shop will still be closed on Sundays. There will usually be a sign with the actual opening hours and days, so always check it. Quels sont vos jours et horaires douverture ?What days and at what time are you open? Faire le Pont = To have a four day weekend Learn more details about this very French expression and concept.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Building the Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Building the Research - Assignment Example er to attain a better understanding about the method of SERVQUAL as an effective means of measuring the quality of services offered by companies to the customers. The study mainly linked the aspect of service quality with certain specific factors relating to the behavior of customers such as assurance, empathy, reliability and responsiveness. The factors are discussed in detail hereunder. The research study conducted by Parasuraman et al. (1998) has presented an elaborative understanding about the importance of assurance, empathy, reliability and responsiveness of the customers with regard to service quality. The aspect of empathy mainly comprises carting and individualized attitude of the company towards their customers. Analysis of the results of the survey suggested that empathy as a service quality dimension showed utmost reliability within the research study, which can also be confirmed from the value of Cronbach’s alpha for empathy with an average value of 0.75. However, in comparison to the other variables within the service dimension, empathy holds the least significance in this particular case. Assurance mainly depicts the ability of the customers to reveal trust and confidence on the company. For this particular aspect, the Cronbach’s alpha value was around 8.5 on an average, which shows higher reliability. Notably, among the mentioned dimension, assurance was among the most vital. This particular dimension mainly defines the ability to execute a particular service with utmost dependability and accuracy to an extent. Within the dimension, this particular component holds a reliability value of around 8.0, which is quite high. Based on the survey, the element of reliability is among the most important dimension on the basis of consistency. This particular element mainly refers to the willingness of the companies to ensure quality services for the customers. However, on the basis of reliability, this particular element holds the least number. The